
Public Speaking

What is Public Speaking? it is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner, intended, intended to inform, influence, or certain the listeners.

Public Speaking is challenging for those of us who want to influence people.

The Objectives of Public Speaking

  1. Informative
    This is to provide listeners with new information
  2. Persuasive
    This is to change, either in direction or strength, the attitudes or behaviors of our listeners
  3. Entertaining
    This is to provide listener with momentary entertainment
10 Tips for Public Speaking
feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and even beneficial, but too much nervousness can be detrimental. Here are some proven tips how to control your butterflies and give better presentations : 
  1. Know your material. Pick a topic you are interested in. Know more about it that you can include in your speech. Use humor, personal stories and conversational language
  2. Practice, Practice, Practice ! Rehearse out loud with all equipment you plan on using. Revise as necessary. Work to control filler words. Practice, pause and breathe. Practice with a timer and allow time for the unexpected.
  3. Know the audience.great some of the audience members as they arrive. It's easier to speak a group of friends than to strangers.
  4. Know the room. Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and any visual aids.
  5. Relax. Begin by addressing the audience. It buys you time and calms your nerves, Pause, smile and count to three before saying anything Transform nervous energy into enthusiasm.
  6. Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear and confident, Visualize the audience clapping - it will boost your confidence.
  7. Realize the people want you to succeed. Audience wants you to be interesting, stimulating, informative and entertaining, They are rooting for you.
  8. Don't apologize for any nervousness or problem - the audience probably never noticed it.
  9. Concentrate on the message - not the medium. Focus your attention away from your own anxieties and concentrate on your message and your audience.
  10. Gain experience.Mainly, your speech should represent you- as an authority and as a person. Experience build confidence, which is the key to effective speaking.


Business Plan

What is Business Plan?
A Business Plan (BP) can be defined as a document that describes an organization's current status and forecast/plans for the growth in the times ahead. This can be a quarter of a years in the future.

What Does A Business Plan look like
There is no standart format for a business plan there are many common components of a business plan:
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
1. Statement of Purpose
2. Company History
3. Business Description
4. Products and Services
5. Market Analysis
     a. Customers
     b. Competition
     c. Marketing Strategy
6. Management
7. Operations
8. Financial Plan
9. Appendices
Many business plans will also include appendixes with additional information related to the business, its operations, its owners/managers, marketing/promotional plans, etc.

How to Draft a Business Plan
So how to work on a simple business plan? Work on these lines:

  1. Vision of Organization
  2. Goal of future
  3. consumers, users, target market
  4. your team / company
  5. barriers to achieve the target
  6. how to serve clients/customers
  7. adding new customers/users/target market size
  8. Accounting

How to make Business Plan

"Executive Summary"
The Business
  • Business name
  • Business structure
  • Business location
  • Data established
  • Products/Services
The Market
  • Market targets
    [outline your planned sales targets. What quantity of your products/services do you plan to sell in a planned time frame? Are they monthly of yearly target?]
    -S.W.O.T analysis
      Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats
    -Your Competitors
    -Advertising & Sales
The Future
  • Vision Statement
  • Mission Statement
  • Goals/objectives
The Finances
       start-up cost, break even analysis, supporting documentation and others.

Job Interview

The following are the questions usually asked in a job interview :

- Greeting :
  • Good morning/afternoon/evening
  • How are you?
Introductory Questions
  • Was it Difficult to find our office?
  • Did you find it difficult to come here?
  • How was the traffic from your home to our office?
  • What time did you leave your home?
  • How did you come here?
  • How do you feel now?
- Personal Information questions
  • Tel me about yourself
  • What kind of person are you?
  • What are your weakness and strengths?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • When were you born?
  • Where were you born?
  • Did you grow up in the village/city?
  • When did you spend your childhood?
  • Do you live with your parents?
  • What do your parents do?
  • Do you have brother/sister?
  • What is he/she?
- Educational Background
  • Could you please tell me about your educational background?
  • When did you finish your university?
  • How long did it to take your university?
  • What is the title of your final project?
  • Why di you write that topic?
  • What is the significant contribution of your educational background in university to your job here?
- Interest and Motivation
  • How do you speed your free time?
  • Do you have a special hobby?
  • why are you interested joining this company?
  • What makes you interest to working here?
- Knowledge About the Company
  • Do you know the main business of this company?
  • How did you know our company?
  • What do you know about our product?
  • In your opinion what makes our company "special" compared the others in the same field?

Writing a CV

What is CV?
A CV is a short list of facts about you and your work history, skill, qualifications and experience. A good CV is essential when looking for work and it is worth spending time getting it right so it sells you to an employer.
your CV should:

  • be neat, typed if possible and to the best standard you can achieve in content and layout
  • be short, 2 sides of sheet of A4 paper is normally enough
  • be positive, it should emphasis your achievements, strengths, and successes 
  • make a good impression. This mean presenting the facts about yourself in a positive way.
How to use your CV

  • send your CV with a covering letter or email asking companies if they have any current or future vacancies.
  • Use your CV to help you remember all the dates and information you need each time you need to fill in application form.
  • When applying for jobs by phone it can help if you are asked to give more information about previous jobs.
  • Having your CV with you while you're waiting to be called into an interview can help refresh your memory. You can also leave a copy with the interviewer if they do not already have one.
  • Recruitment agencies may some times ask to see your CV before you can register with them.
What to include
There is no set format or perfect template - how you present your CV is up to you, and each sector may require a different emphasis on a different aspect of the content, such as career history or qualifications. However, the basic format CV is as follow :
  • Personal details, including name, address, phone number, email address and possibly any social media presence. you no longer need to include your date of birth, owing to age discrimination rules
  • Career history, starting with your most recent job first. Include dates and temporary or voluntary jobs is appropriate
  • A personal profile which sells yourself and your qualities, tailored towards the job you are applying for
  • Achievement from precious job that are relevant
  • Qualifications and training from previous job, with the most recent first 
  • Interest, if they are relevant and especially if the skill or teamwork concerned are relevant for the job
  • Any extra information, such as reason for a career change or reasons for gaps in career history, such as caring duties
  • References, ideally two or more and including a recent employer
  • Last but not least, do not forget sign your CV. A phrase you can use is "I confirm that all information stated in this resume is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.