
Polahi, The most unique tribe

In modern times as now, there are still groups of people who have a patern of life like ancient times. In jungle Boliyohato, Gorontalo live several nomadic groups which is more known as the Polahi ethnic group. Polahi tribe is more behind than the other primitive tribe in Indonesia that already started settling down and started to open the outside world. Polahi has a lifestyle that always moving from 1 jungle to another jungle, they also not familiar with clothing, religion and even they don't know the day.
              Everyday they spend all their time in the jungle with only a small thatched hut rely on foliage without walls as their temporary resting place. to make ends meet, they usually hunt wild boar
, deer and snakes. In addition, they also consume leaves, tubers and root crops as a food wicker daily. to cook they using bamboo sticks as a crock. know to cook is very, very simple by including all the groceries into the bamboo hole above the fire place and burned bamboo until bamboo rods had cracked or broken as a sign that the food has finished cooking. the food is 100 % original without any seasoning because they are not familiar with seasoning spices.
The most unique thing of interest is how to dress in polahi. if we know some tribes in Papua uses koteka as cover nakedness, then the polahi tribe prefer to use their loincloth made from leaves of the tied rope uses of wood. it also used by women, they are not familiar with bra, so the women in polahi is half naked.
             The most unique of these tribe is the marriage system. They may be the only tribe in Indonesia whick adheres to inbreeding, where if a family has children, male and female, they will automatically marry with his/him brother/sister. Even the mother could marry his son and the father could marry his daughter.
             Hopefully the Indonesian government could give attention to all tribal people so that they can enjoy the modern life and get their right as citizens.

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