
Tea (Teh)

Have you carried in the teathings? Anda sudah bawa masuk peralatan minum tehnya?
Everything is on the table. Segala sesuatunya ada diatas meja.
Shall i order tea? Perlukah saya memesan teh?
The tea is ready, Sir ! Tuan, tehnya sudah tersedia !
When do you usually have tea? Kapan kamu biasanya tuan minum teh?
soon after four thirty. Sesegara sesudah jam empat tiga puluh.
Will you have some thin slices of bread and butter with jam? Tuan suka irisan roti dan mentega dengan selai?
No, Thank you. I'll have a little buttered toast.
Do you like rusks with butter? Anda suka biskuit dengan mentega?
No, i prefer doughnuts. Tidak, saya lebih suka donat.


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